Last Updated: September 2021

Reopening Communication and Messaging



The purpose of this communication is to alert and explain the guidelines for our reopening and to make everyone aware of the protocols and expectations of all who attend in-person worship at St. Augustine’s.

Attendance is limited to 150 persons (first come first serve basis) as we pilot safety protocols.  Service duration will be no longer than 1 hour.


In accordance with New York State and the Diocesan guidelines, all attendees must wear a face mask/covering at all times. Parishioners will not be allowed to enter without a face mask or covering. Face masks will be available for attendees who may not have at time of service.

Parishioners must maintain social distancing throughout the service.

It is highly recommended that parishioners be fully vaccinated. Due to the increased transmission of the Delta variant of COVID-19, it is advised that those who are older than 60 and those with compromised immune system, lungs or heart function, should continue to worship online.

Parishioners will enter through the Noel Hall. All other entrances will be closed.

Parishioners will be required to sanitize their hands before entering the worship space.

Attendance is limited to 150 persons (first come, first served).  Upon entry parishioners will be given a ticket to keep track of the count.

Parishioners will only be allowed to sit in designated seats in each pew and maintain social distance.Parishioners that attend in groups of two or more or from the same household will be accommodated in the same pew. Social distancing will not be mandated for parishioners from the same household.

Parishioners will be seated occupying pews at the front of the worship space, first.

Parishioners will not be allowed to move from their pew during the Peace and must remain in their designated seat.

Tithes and Offerings

There will be two stationary locations for giving tithes and offerings.

(See “Order of Service section, below, for more details).

Ushers will be stationed near the baskets.

Parishioners will exit in an orderly manner, pew by pew, as directed by the ushers. They will exit immediately after Service through the 43rd Street door adjacent to the Altar.

No congregating before or after service is allowed.

Bathroom Access

Should parishioners need to use the bathroom, they should check the bathroom door to see the occupancy limit for each bathroom. A line will be formed in a designated area of the Noel Hall.  All bathrooms will be unisex, until further notice. The bathroom on the 43rd Street side will not be available.

Waiting Area

In the event parishioners may be delayed in leaving, there is a designated waiting are in the Noel Hall to accommodate those parishioners. Parishioners will be required to maintain social distance and time will be limited in this designated area.

Worship Materials

All worship materials i.e. prayer books, hymnals, etc.  have been removed from the pews. Parishioners will follow Service on the digital displays throughout the worship space. Parishioners are welcome to bring their own prayer books and hymnals from home. Please be sure to take them with you, when you leave.

Coffee Hour

Due to the Covid-19 virus coffee hour is suspended until further notice.

The following are the improvements to our HVAC system and our enhanced cleaning protocol:

  • All air filters have been upgraded to MERV 13 Filters.
  • The fresh air Handlers have been enlarged to ensure adequate fresh air is cycled through the church.
  • Before and between services all areas of the church and the Noel Hall will be sanitized with a chemical disinfectant that will be sprayed on all surfaces and in the air.

Order of Service

Below is the order of service. This will be the order of service until further notice. Those things that have been omitted and adjusted have been omitted and adjusted in the effort to keep the service to one hour. Please pay special attention to the rubrics, in italics and underlined.

The Celebration of the Holy Eucharist

Opening Sentence


The Crucifer and Clergy process to the Altar.

The Opening Hymn begins once the Procession reaches the Altar.

Opening Hymn

Greeting and Salutation

Song of Praise (Gloria)

Collects of the Day


First Reading




Two minutes of silence follows the sermon.

Post-Sermon Hymn

Nicene Creed

Prayers of the People

Confession of Sin



Holy Communion and Offertory

Great Thanksgiving

Lord’s Prayer

Breaking of the Bread

Great Amen

Sharing of Communion

As the people come forward to receive Communion, they should bring their tithes and offerings. There will be baskets at the head of the aisle.

As the people approach the Altar, they are to place their offering one of the baskets, move forward to sanitize their hands and then to the priest to receive the Bread. Upon receiving the Bread, they are to move to the side, remove their mask, eat the Bread and proceed to the tables (on either side of the Altar) where the Wine will be available in individual cups. The Wine maybe consumed and the cup placed in the nearby receptacle. Then they may return to their seat.

Post-Communion Hymn


Offering Baskets are brought forward.

Post-Communion Prayer


Closing Hymn


We will continue our Offering Drop-off every Saturday from 9AM-3PM. The door to the office will be open and we will take all precautions to keep the proper distance and sanitize after each person. You can also give electronically through Online Giving.

Please pass this information along to others!!

If you have questions, please email or call the church office. We will return your call. Just remember to leave a voicemail. And remember, information will be regularly posted to Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Again, please, please, please pass along the information that you receive: Information that you receive from me through the Wardens, Vestry or Parish Council leadership. Please refrain from making additions or editorializing, as clear and factual information is of the utmost importance.

Continue to be diligent in your prayers for each other, the world and yourselves. Remember, especially those who have lost loved ones during an already difficult time and remember those who continue to be required to go to work even as many of us are working from home.


Be sure to follow us on social media and stay up to date with our Faith Community.